Theme : Posterior Segment Trauma

Date: 10th-12th July 2025 | Venue:  VD Swami Auditorium, Sankara Nethralaya, College Road, Chennai

Guidelines for abstract submission for Free Papers/ E- Posters and Videos

Rules and Regulations
All abstracts should be submitted via the online abstract submission system. All submissions close online by 15th May 2025. Each author may submit a maximum of 2 Free Paper/Poster abstracts. All abstracts will be reviewed, graded and selected for Free Paper presentation or E Posters by the conference committee. The presenter must be registered for the conference. Free papers and Posters category carries one best award in each category. Awards will be given only to the presenting author. Submitted abstracts must include the following information:

All abstracts must follow the structured format below
TITLE: 250 Characters
PURPOSE: max 100 words
SETTING: max 50 words
METHODS: max 200 words
RESULTS: max 200 words
CONCLUSIONS: max 200 words
• Only the abstracts with final results or conclusions are accepted. References and credits need not be included as part of an abstract. Formulae and abbreviations should be avoided.
• First/Presenting Author must disclose all commercial relationships relevant to the subject matter for all authors of the abstract. Indicate “None” if no relationships exist.
• Last date for abstract submission is 15th May 2025.
• Selected abstracts will be intimated by E-mail.

Video Guidelines
• All abstracts should be submitted via the online abstract submission system.
• All abstract submissions for video closes online by 15th May 2025.
• Selected video abstracts by the committee, will be communicated individually by mail for the submission of the completed video by 31 st May 2025.
• Each presenting author can submit a maximum of 2 abstracts. Presenting author should be registered for the conference.
• Submitted abstracts should include
Title: 150 characters
Synopsis: 500 characters total, including spaces
Time: Not to exceed 8 minutes.
2D Video should be submitted only in MP4 format.
a. Maximum 1080p (1920x1080)
b. Standard 720p (1280x720)
c. Minimum 480p (854x480)
d. 2D suggested video bitrates: 1080p: 5 mbps/ 720p: 3 mbps/ 480p:1.5 mbps
• Narrations are suggested and encouraged for the videos and preferable to be in English
• Author details or institution affiliation should not be mentioned in the title/body of the abstract. Videos which promote a company name or logo, acknowledge sponsorship or promote commercial products, will not be accepted. Generic names should be used instead of product names, where possible.
• Video category carries Best Video Award for the summit and will be given to the presenting Author.